October 22, 2024

What you need to know about dental implants

What you should know about dental implants

Among the most expensive dental treatments (about 1300-1500 euros), there are implants. Dental implant surgery consists of fixing an artificial root (usually made of titanium) in the place of a tooth that has been extracted or that has fallen out. This implant is designed to hold a crown to physically replace the extracted tooth.

What is a dental implant used for? 

The dental implant brings three things to the patient. First of all, it restores the sense of balance possibility of mastication on the area where one or more teeth are missing. It is important to know that chewing is essential for the proper digestion of food, and we find the pleasure of eating the things we like.

Then, the dental implant brings more comfort to the person who wears it compared to a removable appliance. We must admit that it is much more pleasant not to have a denture that dips in a glass every night and to wake up with a smile. Finally, dental implants have an aesthetic function.

It allows you to keep or regain a beautiful set of teeth, which is important in your social, love and personal life.

What precautions should be taken before the operation ?

Like any operation, even if it is performed on a small scale under local anesthesia, the installation of a dental implant in Toulouse remains a delicate act and there may be risks of complications. For this reason, a strict hygiene protocol The dentist's instructions are respected during the entire procedure. Nevertheless, the patient must also respect certain instructions, starting with not smoking for at least a week before and after the operation. Cigarette smoke is very harmful and may prevent the healing process.

The consumption of alcohol is also strongly discouraged, on the one hand because of the risk of interaction with the anesthetic products and on the other hand because it thins the blood.

Can anyone receive a dental implant? 

Unfortunately not. One of the main conditions to receive an implant is to have a bone for the dentist to work on. Nevertheless, if you don't have good bone, there are techniques that allow you to place a dental implant, either by shortening the implant, or by using a bone graft. On the other hand, there are real contraindications There are many reasons why you should not have a dental implant, starting with kidney failure, high blood pressure, certain allergies, diabetes or even valve diseases.

These conditions can cause implant failure. Smoking is strongly discouraged.

What to do after the implant is placed ?

To promote the success of your implant, it is necessary to adopt the right attitudes and in particular to take care of your oral hygiene. To start, choose a good toothpaste and a toothbrush with medium hard bristles. Then, clean the spaces between the teeth regularly with a brush or dental floss. Finally, rinse your mouth regularly to avoid the risk of gum inflammation.

Afterwards, you will be able to space out your mouthwashes while keeping the good gestures on a daily basis. Don't forget to make regular check-ups with your dentist.

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