October 22, 2024

Five tips to stay in shape

Five tips to stay in shape

At the end of winter, our bodies are often tired. Between the lack of sunshine, the drop in temperature, the greyness and the stress of work, fatigue sets in and you feel drained. Here are five tips for stay in shape and regain its dynamism !

Some tips to stay in shape

To stay in shape and regain energy, there are simple and effective solutions to implement. And especially by following these 5 tips to stop some bad habits and change your daily routine !

Playing sports

Sport is an excellent way to Get back in shape all day long ! As soon as you can, exercise ! Practice a physical activity (swimming, biking, walking, running, muscle strengthening, cardio …) indoors, outdoors, in a group, club or alone, but move ! The fatigue that comes with sports is good fatigue. Sporting activity improves physical condition, strengthens the immune system, fights against aging… In short, sport is a real cocktail of benefits for our general well-being !

Do sports

Eat a balanced diet

The role of food is extremely important for your health. A bad diet leads to a large number of different pathologies: overweight, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure… Adopting a healthy diet and rebalancing your diet is essential to provide your metabolism with all the nutrients it needs (vitamins, minerals, fiber…) to stay in shape. Eat a consistent breakfast, 5 fruits and vegetables a day, eat a light meal in the evening and avoid processed foods !

Eat a balanced diet

Hydrate yourself

To stay in shape, the body needs to be hydrated good hydration to nourish all the organs and allow them to function optimally. So, even if you don’t feel thirsty, drink between one liter and one liter of water a day. Moreover, water helps to eliminate toxins, accelerate cell renewal, improve blood circulation, prevent headaches, chase away stress, keep your figure… Here again, drinking is essential to be in good health and to give you back your energy !

Hydrate yourself

Sleep well

Quality sleep is key to staying fit throughout the day. If you don’t get enough sleep, not only will you get drowsy during the day, but you won’t be able to fall asleep at night ! The first thing to do to get back to a good night’s sleep is to respect your biological clock and sleep at set times. Then, listen to your body when it sends you signs of sleep and go to bed as soon as possible. Sleep in the darkest room possible and turn off your screens for a good night’s sleep !

Sleep well


Stress and tension have a huge impact on our vitality. So, to stay in shape, relax to to evacuate this stress.

In the morning: take the time to wake up quietly and do some stretches as soon as you get out of bed to give you the energy you need to face the work day.

At work: give yourself regular breaks if possible. 2 to 3 minutes every hour is enough. You will be more relaxed and perform better ! You can also do breathing exercises to calm the tension and relax.

As soon as you can :

  • Take a little nap session of fitness or practice relaxation exercises (yoga, sophrology…).
  • Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation with a massage or a light therapy session.
  • Take time for yourself, to read, to listen to music, to take a bath or a hot shower, in short for all the activities that make you happy.
  • Invite friends or go out in a group to share a friendly moment with your friends. Laughter and good humor are very good remedies to keep fit and in good spirits !
  • Make love (if you are single, masturbation or sex toys are also very effective, such as a vibrator or the Easytoys vagina). Sex is an excellent stress reliever, as it releases oxytocin (pleasure hormone) and lowers cortisol (stress hormone).

To conclude The secret to staying in shape is tolearn to listen to your body. Don’t wait until you are totally exhausted to rest ! And to fight against colds and winter illnesses that affect your energy level, boost your immune system with anti-fatigue grandma’s remedies (ginger infusion, ravintsara or arnica essential oil, magnesium and vitamin C treatment…) !

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